Shot glasses are small glasses that are designed to hold liquids in measurements of 25ml to 50ml. Shot glasses are most widely known as a drinking glass, though they can also be used as a jigger measure when making cocktails.
A shot glass is usually used to serve strong spirits and liqueurs in appropriate amounts, and even to serve small cocktails. Shots are traditionally drunk in a quick-fire manner, hence the name ‘shot’.
The UK Weights and Measurements Act defines that a premises may sell a single shot measured at 25ml or 35ml, and a double measured at 50ml. The USA defines shots in US fl oz with a small shot measuring 1floz (30ml), a single 1.5floz (44ml), and a double 2.5floz (74ml).
See the table below for more details on shot measurement classification.
Rather than simply pouring a spirit or liqueur straight from the bottle, a pourer is commonly used. This is ideal for the small size of a shot glass as a pourer gives greater control over the flow of the liquid. A pourer is particularly useful when creating a layered shot such as a B-52 because the liquid can be poured slowly so the contents do not mix.
Despite their small size, shot glasses will often have a thick base, which is ideal for slammers, which require the drinker to ‘slam’ the glass on the bar top. A slammer shot contains a fizzy ingredient, that when slammed, fizzes up to give the drinker an added sensory experience to the strong alcoholic shot.
UK 25ml or 35ml 50ml
US/Canada 30ml (1USoz) 44ml (1.5USoz) 74ml (2.5USoz)
Ireland 35.5ml 71ml
Australia/New Zealand 30ml 60ml
Germany 20ml 40ml
Poland 25ml 50ml 100ml
Fenton Glass