>> News
14, 2019
Transparent glass tableware, delicious at a glance!
Translucent glass tableware filled with delicious food to decorate our dining table at this time, we can not only satisfy our taste buds, but also appreciate the unique color charm of the food.
12, 2019
What are the post-processing of glasses?
Formed glassware must be annealed to eliminate the thermal stress caused by uneven cooling. Common pressing products and kiln glass products with simple shapes can no longer be processed. Most glassware are processed after forming to com...
11, 2019
About attending Ambiente 2019 and visiting European countries
Garbo team will attend the Ambiente 2019 in Germany, and also visit Hungary, Czech Republic and Poland in Feb, 2019.
09, 2019
Do you know the right way to hold a red wine glass?
Red wine and champagne are indispensable at all kinds of high-level banquets, and red wine etiquette is very important at this time. Even if wine etiquette is not clear, the method of holding red wine glasses is the most basic and must be...
08, 2019
What kinds of wine glass you want it for whisky?
To choose wine glass for any kinds of wine is the basic request when you enjoy it. Better whisky glasses have good looking in high quality, you can even see the whiskey is shinning from the inside.
4 Things To Make Your Home More Beautiful
4 decoration ornaments make your home more beautiful and comfortable
05, 2019
9 types of cocktail glass. how to properly hold a cocktail glass?
Cocktails, also known as mixed drinks.Most cocktails need to be iced , so cocktail glass include goblets such as champagne glass(flute and tulip shape), there are also include flat-bottomed cups, such as old-fashioned cups and high-ball c...
Are the frosted glasses really poisonous? Your 4 questions are answered by glass experts.
Glass cup is often used for drinking water, in which frosted glass is one of them. For this kind of glass, many people are curious about the health of frosted glass. Will it bepoisonous?
Why our glass decanter hot sale over the world?
Pulished on Mar. 01, 2025
Comparison of Glassware Factories in China and India: The Best Purchasing Selection Guide ...
Pulished on Feb. 28, 2025
China's Household Glass Products (HS CODE 7013) Exports: Brazil Market Shines
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