Last month, a Chinese mainland show “Challenge the impossible” raised public’s attention again for ALS patients. With the help of a team from Qing Hua, the ALS patient Jia Wang, who cannot move or talk even a little bit, can miraculously completely read a poem with Qing Dong, who is the host of the show. It was really shocked and thrilled.
ALS, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, is a form of motor neuron disease; also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. It is characterized by stiff muscles, muscle twitching, and gradually worsening weakness due to muscles decreasing in size. It may begin with weakness in the arms or legs, or with difficulty speaking or swallowing.About half of the people affected develop at least mild difficulties with thinking and behavior and most people experience pain. Most eventually lose the ability to walk, use their hands, speak, swallow, and breathe. Presently no cure for ALS is known.
A challenge known as“Ice Bucket Challenge” went into people’s sights. This activity is to raise the public's attention and help those ALS patients, especially those patients in poor. The contestants need to dump a fill bucket of ice and water on themselves. If finish the challenge, US$10 would be donated but if refuse they would donate US$100 at least.
It’s a really good action of charity. Many people start to notice about ALS and care about this kind of patients. A lot of patients got help from this charity action.Would you like to take a try ? A ice bucket is indispensable ! Choose a unique ice bucket to make it different !
Garbo can provide various options of ice buckets, which are made of glass in delicate designs. We are the professional and leading supplier of glassware with a history of 26 years. There must be one suitable for you!
The benefits of drinking with a glass