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You should know where to place forks, knives and spoons, and also where to these drinking glasses. Actually the placement is adjustable because it depends on how many glasses are being used. It is very complicate to set a table for a formal occasion with aperitif glass, water glass, iced-tea glass, wine glass, cordial glasses and brandy snifters. They all will be presented on the left in the order. The aperitif such as Sherry is made to work up an appetite. So it is placed on the table only when the courses need it.
Mostly there is one glass cup for water or one for juice or wine for simple meal. Then water glass should be slightly to the right of dinner plate and above the knife and spoon. It is in a position closest to the hand. If more than one drinks, water glass needs to be farther than the other glass.
In a casual dinner, Iced-tea glass can be next to water glass. It is mostly often used for cold drinks, like iced coffee or juice. For such drinks, it is a great and ideal shape with long and narrow, better to keep with ice cubes.
Wine glass includes white wine glass, champagne glass, red wine glass and dessert wine glass. A formal meal cannot be without wine glass. But informal meal can be. So it is the nearest to the dinner plate when it place on the table.
Cordial Glass is the smallest glasses in a set of stemware. It is also known as shot glass for high alcohol. It is great choice after a heavy meal.
Brandy Snifter is next to wine glass like white wine glass or red wine glass to line up with all other glasses.
Other than glass stemware, you may need glass candle holder or glass vase in the center of table for decoration.